Listening to baseball history: . Reading Page 2's interview with Buck O'Neill piqued my interest in hearing some more of his stories. Upon searching, I found Love of the Game Productions, a site which includes a 'blog and audio interviews by Bay Area sports broadcaster Marty Lurie. There are MP3s of Hall of Famers, thoughts on race in baseball and some "Today in baseball history" segments. Besides two interviews (MP3 ~3-4 min.) with Buck O'Neill, you can find old-timers like Happy Chandler and contemporary stars like Jason "Four Pounds Ago" Giambi, not to mention Billy Williams, Larry Doby, Rod Carew, Rachel (widow of Jackie) Robinson, and many more.
Great stuff. Thanks JMS!
posted by geekyguy at 10:19 AM on February 27, 2004
whew....a Forksian post...