The Bartman ball's final hours.: The ball caught by hapless Cubs fan Steve Bartman in Game 6 of the 2003 NLCS is slated for destruction tomorrow. The Chicago Sun-Times has nine articles and two interactive features about this.
posted by staggernation to baseball at 12:17 PM - 12 comments
I don't think having some random d00d in a suit blowing up that ball is going to do squat for any Cubs curse. Bartman himself needs to be the one to destroy it. Otherwise, it's nothing but pomp, circumstance, and a whole lotta hot air. The Cubs also need to get at the root of this curse. They need to have the owner of the Billy Goat sacrifice a goat at the front gates of Wrigley Field; the scene of the curse making.
posted by NoMich at 01:09 PM on February 25, 2004
Cubs fans are stupid.
posted by Bernreuther at 02:05 PM on February 25, 2004
No. They aren't.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:34 PM on February 25, 2004
I think it's more a ritualistic statement of community than anything else. I doubt that any Cubs fan actually thinks this will lift any curse, any more than Red Sox fans thought anything about the whole "Babe Ruth's piano" stuff. This, like being a sports fan itself, is kind of a ceremonial way of saying "hey, we're all in this long-suffering boat together." Or maybe they just hate that flippin' ball.
posted by jeffmshaw at 02:46 PM on February 25, 2004
fandom, true fandom that is, implies a degree, however slight, of irrationality.
posted by garfield at 02:59 PM on February 25, 2004
garfield: you could even say 'implies a degree of fanaticism.'
posted by tieguy at 03:41 PM on February 25, 2004
how come noone blames felipe alou? if he could've jumped 3 feet higher, steve bartman would've had no chance. i think bartman was simply making a statement: outfielders need to jump higher
posted by tommy at 07:10 PM on February 25, 2004
I agree, tommy. We need to get those outfielders on a supplements regimen to increase the power in their leg muscles. I know a good lab...
posted by rocketman at 07:18 PM on February 25, 2004
... if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump it's booty.
posted by jerseygirl at 07:19 PM on February 25, 2004
Felipe Alou would have had to jump a lot farther than Moises Alou would have to reach that ball.
posted by jeffmshaw at 08:13 PM on February 25, 2004
He's old.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:05 AM on February 26, 2004
fantastic. i am looking forward to the slated destruction of grady little in a similar manner.