Everyone in the draft pool!!!: A judge has decided the NFL's rule against underclassmen entering the draft violates antitrust laws. The suit was filed by former Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett (who apparently is now in some more trouble, by the way). How will this affect the draft, and more importantly, what does it do to the college game?
I really want to read the actual ruling, because this judge is a riot: most of the text is the same, but the author includes a few extra football puns, courtesy of Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
posted by garfield at 12:18 PM on February 05, 2004
Clarett, at least, will probably be able to get damages if, in the end, the league does lose its appeals but meanwhile keeps him out of the league for one or two seasons.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:15 PM on February 05, 2004
Playmakers, Janet Jackson and now Clarett. The NFL is busier off the field than on it these past few weeks.
posted by usfbull at 06:43 PM on February 05, 2004
Actually - courts have a long history of not hearing cases that are "moot" even if they have the opportunity to set a precedent. And since the NFL's appeals will last long enough for Clarett to reach his third year away from his graduating high school class (the prevailing standard) the case might not reach closure and he'll be eligible for the draft regardless.
posted by vito90 at 06:47 PM on February 05, 2004
garfield - you are right...the judge knows her football. It'd be a tossup between her and Condoleeza Rice for female NFL fan of the year.
posted by vito90 at 06:49 PM on February 05, 2004
First, I think it'll be tied up in court for a few more years as the NFL appeals. They'll eventually lose, because the standard is arbitrary and legally invalid, but it'll take another three years (at least) before that's established with any finality. Ultimately, I think relatively few younger players will come out, certainly fewer than the NBA sees. Lots of reasons, but one sticks out: no guaranteed contracts in the NFL.