The Jazz rip Karl a new one.:
Also see over here, where they point out that "(t)he skit continued during a later timeout, this time with Jazz owner Larry Miller -- sitting courtside -- accepting a call from the Malone impersonator, hanging up and throwing the phone to the floor. "
posted by forksclovetofu to basketball at 12:39 PM - 5 comments
Is it just me or is Karl Malone a pussy? The dude's making TONS of money, plays basketball for a living, has fame and whatever and he's mad because someone made fun of him?
posted by jasonspaceman at 01:22 PM on January 31, 2004
I think he was calling it as he saw it. He said they had no class, which is true. There's nothing wrong with that, nothing pussy about it.
posted by dfleming at 04:45 PM on January 31, 2004
I am not one for tit for tat, but maybe he is getting a taste of his own classless medicine. Yea, the skit was classless, but c'mon Karl, get a backbone.
posted by jasonspaceman at 06:24 PM on January 31, 2004
posted by forksclovetofu at 08:31 PM on January 31, 2004
At least the league fined their stupid a55e5.