"It may be hard to remember this, but the best players in the league are the ones who can keep their composure when the critics are being rough." :
So says seventeen year old Mike Feld, winner of the "Advice for Darko" contest, sponsored by the Detroit Free Press.
Feld might be no expert, but he's only played 48 minutes less professional ball than Donnie D and given Detroit's recent win streak that's unlikely to change anytime soon.
We're halfway into the season now, so it's fair to ask: did Detroit make the wrong call in not picking Carmelo? And is Larry Brown going to be able to keep his little used protege when the time comes to re-up contracts?
posted by forksclovetofu to basketball at 01:01 PM - 7 comments
Apparently I'm the only one following Darko's progress. I also appear to have an itch I can't reach.
posted by lilnemo at 02:53 PM on January 20, 2004
lilnemo: Yes, BUT... Should they have gotten 'Melo? I think you'd have to be crazy (even this early on) to not presume that 'Melo is likely going to be one of the top fifteen players in the league in about one more season. Is this going to be another Hakeem/Bowie/Jordan, as was rumoured early on?
posted by forksclovetofu at 04:21 PM on January 20, 2004
I must guffaw when I see "Larry Brown" and "long-term" or "development" or "re-up contract" in the same sentence, paragraph, or webpage. That whore will be out of there the minute some other compelling offer comes down the pike, and any organization that has him as coach might as well deal draft picks for veterans.
posted by vito90 at 04:27 PM on January 20, 2004
Philly fan, eh vito?
posted by forksclovetofu at 04:33 PM on January 20, 2004
'Melo is likely going to be one of the top fifteen players in the league in about one more season.While playing for the Nuggets; yes. Under Larry Brown? Not such a sure thing. I don't know if you've noticed but 'Melo isn't exactly locking down his opponents. Larry demands defensive accountability, and even though he gave AI a pretty long leash on offense he only did so because he knew AI was committed to playing solid man-up defense. I don't think 'Melo has that commitment (yet). Having said that; initially, in the Detroit papers it sounded like Larry would have liked to have 'Melo. I still think Joe D. made the right decision. What happens if the Pistons draft 'Melo? Don't get me wrong, 'Melo is a great player, an all-star in the making. But he doesn't have the greatest shot selection (yet), and he hasn't exactly warmed to the veterans on his squad (ask Andre Miller or Voshon Lenard). If he shoots those shots for the Pistons, Larry gets upset and the fans will wonder what happened to playoff-darling Prince? I think Joe D. saw it coming.
posted by lilnemo at 05:35 PM on January 20, 2004
I like Melo too. He's a swell guy. But would someone please explain the difference between Carmelo Anthony and Glen Robinson? Seriously, check their rookie stats and remember Big Dog came out as a junior so he was only 2 years older than Carmelo? Don't get me wrong, I like Robinson (and Carmelo) a lot, I just don't see why everyone expects Carmelo to be great?
posted by Mike McD at 05:52 PM on January 20, 2004
I don't think you can put the blame squarely on Darko's shoulders. Going into the draft, Detroit had just finished off a good run in the playoffs where Tayshaun Prince blossomed as a player. Joe Dumars assessed that Prince would step in and start at the 3, and that Rodney White was worthless as a player but great as trade bait. Having the number 2 pick gave the Pistons the enviable position of drafting a quality player at a hard to fill position like PG or C. Darko was drafted for the future. This Pistons squad doesn't need him to go out there and dominate for 10-15 min a game. They can afford to give him 2-3 years to develop. Unfortunately Larry Brown coaches the Pistons. Which means that by the time Darko matures as a player and actually begins playing some meaningful minutes, he will be shipped out ASAP. Of course, thats only if Larry doesn't skip town first. Of the sparse time that Darko has had out on the floor he hasn't taken a shot farther than say 12 feet away from the basket. It's obvious that Larry has made clear that Darko will be a post player and any ventures away from the paint will result in Darko being yanked. This can be evidenced by the short rope Larry has on Okur who seems to be pulled immediately whenever he shoots a 3 (which he's actually quite good at). To close: This Pistons squad had all the makings of an EC finalist before Larry got there. Maybe Larry gets them over the hump, maybe he doesn't. Maybe Larry clamors for Joe D. to trade away the entire squad for some NBDL rejects, maybe he actually sticks with his guys. Maybe Larry sticks with these guys for a few years whether they win it all or not, maybe he runs away after this season. I just hope that Detroit gets to see what they have in Darko before some one else decides his fate for them.