Bad evening for Jeff Garcia...Niners QB arrested on suspicion of DUI. (His coach can probably recommend a good lawyer...) When all is said and done, it will be interesting to see where he lands on this list.
Garcia used to QB the Stampeders.
posted by garfield at 11:35 AM on January 15, 2004
dusted: The SF Chron had it front page on their website yesterday, and front page on the paper this morning.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:21 PM on January 15, 2004
I knew that Garcia played in Calgary, but I didn't know this story made the cover of the Chron. I stand corrected.
posted by dusted at 02:12 PM on January 15, 2004
San Jose MErcury News was all over it dude. And at least we don't put ads on the front page.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:53 PM on January 15, 2004
Hahahahaha. Yeah, that FirstPotteryClass logo done in the style of a bank logo is real class. Exactly the kind of stuff you'd want on your top city newspaper. Erm, it does have a "Sun" in its name, and those usually tend to be tabloids, no? So maybe it's just spot on. Brilliant.
posted by worldcup2002 at 07:18 PM on January 15, 2004
Maybe if the world would stop watching "Entertainment Tonight" for its news, the newspaper industry wouldn't have to sully itself by resorting to front-page ads to not have to fire half its staff. There was a TERRIBLE bit on the Bob and Tom Show last week with Garcia being arrested and hitting on the cop. I've heard that rumor before ... do they talk about it in San Fran?
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:09 PM on January 18, 2004
Ya know fraze, I almost asked that before. I think Garcia fits a certain, very specific stereotype. Know what I'm saying?
posted by vito90 at 07:42 PM on January 18, 2004
I find it interesting that the San Francisco papers have hardly covered this story, but the Calgary Sun has half its front page covered with Garcia's mug: