SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
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posted by MoRelo35 at 08:57 AM on February 25, 2025
The language style is relaxed and humorous, making it stress-free to read. Useful information can be obtained in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. It's hard not to like a blog like this.stimulation clicker
posted by 928380504 at 11:00 PM on February 25, 2025
Not sure what feels more exhausting, the post-Super Bowl hangover or the post-Westminster Dog Show hangover.
Super Bowl, you get glimpses of Taylor Swift; Dog Show, you get glimpses of Heidi Gardner and Jenny Taft. Dog Show FTW.
I'm trying to work on an impersonation of Dog Show ring announcer Michael LaFave so I can redo my outgoing voice mail greeting messages, etc.
"The Great Pyrenees is a superb guardian, known for its ability to protect free ranging livestock from predators..."
To me, the dog show is a bit of an odd assignment for Fox Sports announcer Chris Myers, but I remain fond of his delivery. His voice reminds me of people I knew through local radio stations in the south back in the 70's. The comfort of familiarity.
I seek out his game highlight clips during the NFL season even if I don't care that much about the teams involved. You can hear the radio background in his TV game calls.
"And that's another Buccaneers touchdown!"