The NBA's blog squad: including former Magic coach-cum-commentator Doc Rivers and Bulls guard cum errant biker Jay Williams.
posted by Ufez Jones to basketball at 12:09 PM - 11 comments
Rebecca Lobo is the star of the bunch - her own web site was a blog before they were called blogs.
posted by djacobs at 12:51 PM on January 05, 2004
Did they just start these blogs? Because I don't see anything resembling an archive link. Good move by the NBA though.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:37 PM on January 05, 2004
I do believe they're new, bill, but I wouldn't put it past them to not even have archives anyways. Like many celebriblogs and other corporate backed blogging attempts, the NBA blogs don't even have permalinks. I appreciate the effort, but I'd really rather they be well done than a half-assed attempt at the "latest thing". I really do enjoy reading first-hand accounts of people in positions that none of us will ever be in, no matter how filtered they may be. I just wish they'd do it all proper-like, ya know?
posted by Ufez Jones at 01:46 PM on January 05, 2004
Meh, mine's still better.
posted by Scott Carefoot at 03:55 PM on January 06, 2004
Scott Carefoot's Raptor Blog: Rockin' like a hurricane.
posted by lilnemo at 04:10 PM on January 06, 2004
Scott, you should ask if they want to carry yours with an advertising split.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:49 PM on January 06, 2004
billsaysthis: It's a nice thought, but what is the likelihood my writing would be uncensored? I doubt the NBA would allow me to call their current PR darling, Vince Carter, a "heartless nancyboy", as I'm occasionally inclined to do. Seems to me that without links, these "blogs" are not blogs at all. They're simply articles. I have to laugh at the corporate media jumping on the blog bandwagon at this stage. These blogs are cynical, half-assed attempts to seem edgy and relevant. Until they give Charles Barkley a blog, I won't be reading these.
posted by Scott Carefoot at 08:17 AM on January 07, 2004
I agree with Scott: it is extremely difficult to pull off the "corporate" blog, and such an image-conscious organization as the NBA has little hopes of pulling it off. My fear is that the original essence of what a blog is *supposed* to be gets perverted in the process. Oh yeah, I also agree about the heartless nancyboy comment as well.
posted by smithers at 10:32 AM on January 07, 2004
You guys need to look up facetious in the dictionary, m'kay?
posted by billsaysthis at 11:36 AM on January 07, 2004
ha. Doc Rivers cannot say what he honestly feels..because he will be working for a team next year..I envy him
posted by NYSportsaholic at 02:16 PM on January 07, 2004
I am still waiting for Marv Alberts 'Yes!' blog to come out.