"When it comes to sucking money out of a community, : the NFL has got the greatest racket going in the country right now." The NFL and Chargers may be trying to use a loophole in their 1995 stadium lease with San Diego to move to LA, instead of staying for the 25 years the lease calls for. [via CalPundit]
posted by kirkaracha to football at 05:20 PM - 4 comments
I can't stand these type of deals, for any sport, and think that San Diego politicians should be strung up if they give in to the Chargers. If anything, they should insist on removing the ticket guarantee from the contract by threatening to use eminent domain.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:20 PM on December 04, 2003
Talk radio pundits here in L.A. have talked about such a prospect over the past 2 years, but you couldn't really gauge whether L.A. is "yay or nay" on the idea. But hey thats L.A.! As for the San Diegan reaction. It's consisted largely of longtime Bolt Fans who are saddened by the predicament. They don't want the team to go. But from the people I've heard or talked to, they feel its out of their hands. Bigger than they are so to speak. I hope the Bolts stay in San Diego. I'd like to have a quality NFL Franchise back here in LaLa land, but not if it means ripping away a time honored franchise from another town. The whole thing blows.
posted by lilnemo at 06:26 PM on December 04, 2003
Um, I'm not saddened, I'm pissed. Unless the Spanos family sells the team, I really don't see how the Chargers can ever repair the PR damage they've done to themselves.
posted by LionIndex at 06:34 PM on December 04, 2003
It's not really a loophole, it's a built-in out clause. The question is whether they are able to use it, or "trigger", an early exit to the lease. The Chargers are filing suit (in L.A., not San Diego) to demonstrate that they've met the trigger criteria. I think I can speak for most of San Diego when I say "good riddance."