An ice rink in the town where I grew up even had it's own Broomball-dedicated rink. Loads of fun.
posted by ttrendel at 01:56 PM on March 23, 2002
I played intramural broomball at Miami U. my freshman year & it was very fun, especially when we realized the referees were pretty liberal as far as what sort of checking they'd allow...
posted by zempf at 02:11 AM on March 24, 2002
Broomball (also often called Athletic Broomball in it's competitive rather than recreational guise) is a sport similar to Ice Hockey. Except that a number of significant details separate the two sports. Broomball is played on an ice rink in sandshoes (sneakers) instead of skates. The game consists of 6 players from each team, on the ice (Goal tender, 2 defenders, 3 forwards) with up to 14 players on the bench as reserves. The object is to (hopefully) score more goals than the opposition. A small ball about 5 inches in diameter is propelled about the rink with a paddle shaped stick. The game consists of 2 twenty minute periods. Two referee's control the match. We used to play intramural Broomball at Clarkson, and it was fun, especially since I couldn't skate well, but I could run on ice without falling down. Have you played this awesome game?