Great googledy moogledy. Page 2 attempts to serve up a list of the 100 Greatest Homers of All-Time. Read them all at once or just look at the top 15 for debating purposes.
posted by Ufez Jones to baseball at 09:05 AM - 12 comments
Damn it. I thought this was a Simpsons link.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:28 AM on October 06, 2003
The Greatest Homer of All Time:
posted by worldcup2002 at 11:33 AM on October 06, 2003
posted by garfield at 11:49 AM on October 06, 2003
I'd have ranked the top 5: 1. Kirk Gibson (for the pure drama of the moment) 2. Bill Mazeroski (penultimate dream) 3. Joe Carter (the "come-from-behind" thing is HUGE) 4. Hank Aaron (historic) 5. Mark McGwire (I still listen to the mp3 of that at bat and it gives me goosebumps)
posted by grum@work at 12:22 PM on October 06, 2003
Where's Kirk Gibson's homer off Goose Gossage in the '84 WS?
posted by MeatSaber at 12:55 PM on October 06, 2003
grum... I agree with all those (maybe not in that exact order), but I'd add a 1a for the Shot heard round the world. Of course, in my book the Hammer gets number 1 for 715 until someone hits number 756.
posted by trox at 01:26 PM on October 06, 2003
I don't have many problems with the list - my top five: 1. Maz - you hit a homer to win the World Series in the bottom of the ninth of game seven and no one else has done it? Yep - you first baby. 2. Kirk Gibson '88 - If that had appeared in a movie instead of real life - it would have been so cheesy people would have DIED. 3. Joe Carter - you hit a homer to win the World Series in the botton of the ninth in a come-from-behind game with 2 out and 2 strikes on you - you better make the list. 4. Bobby Thompson - the Paul Henderson of the baseball world - forever remebered for a moment in an average (Ok slightly above average) career. 5. Hank Aaron - symbolic, timeless and era-changing. But it's an individual accomplishment - and as you can see by the Babe's dropping down in this list, it won't last forever - to me you need to recognize this, but really reward the homers that WON.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:46 PM on October 06, 2003
number 3a. 3 September 1977: the Giant's Sadaharu Oh, 756 career homeruns.
posted by Philfromhavelock at 06:08 PM on October 06, 2003
Some of the higher number ones are interesting...Ive also thought that Swoboda's two two-run dingers while Steve Carlton striking out 19 Mets in 1969 was pretty novel...made that record very strange as Carlton ended up LOSING that game!
posted by NYSSoftballBlue at 01:11 PM on October 07, 2003
I would've ranked Bernie Carbo's pinch-hit dinger in Game 6 of the '75 Series higher than #42. For my money, that one was even more dramatic than Fisk's.
posted by Motown Mike at 06:51 PM on October 07, 2003
Great googledy moogledy Ufez, I now officially hate you. I have not been able to get this opening phrase of yours out of mind since I read it yesterday! You suck! It's like a terrible pop song that just won't go away. Stop, stop STOP ALREADY IT HURTS MY HEAD!!!!
posted by billsaysthis at 07:49 PM on October 07, 2003
Tough to argue with the top 10. Brett's Pine Tar Incident should have been much higher than 40 though.