SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
I still think NASCAR would do well if they started a mid-Atlantic ATV polo league.
posted by beaverboard at 01:36 PM on July 23, 2017
My ear to the ground updates* on the local professional sporting franchises in Raleigh:
- the deal to sell the Hurricanes has been signed by both sides and is merely awaiting the okilly dokilly from the NHL.
- Steve Malik, the guy that owns North Carolina Football Club (NCFC) threw a big meet 'n greet for the head honchos of the MLS last week and presented his downtown stadium plan. By all reports, it was a smashing success as lots of people showed, got drunk, and got rowdy. I know a few people that went and they had lots of fun and were generally impressed by the whole thing and are excited to get an MLS team in town. NOT SO FAST, MY FRIENDS! I don't think the stadium plan has even gone through a preliminary process by the city/state/whoever needs to sign off on such things. Also, a *downtown* stadium? I don't see how the downtown area can handle game night traffic. It can barely handle the traffic that is has now. The main issue being the awful state of public transportation in the city. It's just a bus system that is, at best, a complete joke, and at worst, an actual disservice to the communities that could benefit from a good public transportation system. But I digress, and it may not even be an issue since the present version of NCFC can't draw even 5000 fans per game. Compare that to FC Cincinnati (that is also looking to upgrade to the MLS) who draw almost 20,000 per game.
* - no proof on anything here, just my opinion with updates from friends that have connections to the power base in the city.