Skip Bayless of the Mercury News rips Sammy Sosa : for his latest prima donna act involving Barry Bonds, reminding us once again of how much our impression of athletes as "good guys" or "prima donnas" is manufactured by the media.
posted by hincandenza to baseball at 11:59 PM - 3 comments
3 people, each lost in their own little world...Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Skip Bayless
posted by pastepotpete at 11:19 AM on March 12, 2002
skip bayless seems to have a beef with chicago in general. he spent all of one or two years at the chicago tribune. his hiring led to the departure of bernie linicome, and bayless' not-to-distant departure left the tribune sports section's editorial department a bit thin (though rick morrissey is turning out well, sam smith needs help). i have seen bayless "rip" sosa on jim rome's show about a year ago -- after he left the tribune -- and i was struck by the same thing; sour grapes.
posted by moz at 12:28 PM on March 12, 2002
I grew up reading Skip Bayless in the Dallas Times-Herald, and this strikes me as a tempest in a teapot. Bayless loves to make more out of these things than they really warrant. His conclusion -- that a media-generated he-said/he-said controversy shows us the real personalities of these athletes -- says a lot more about Bayless than it does Bonds or Sosa. It reminds me of his allegation in a book about the Cowboys that Barry Switzer spread rumors in the clubhouse about Troy Aikman being gay. It was an entirely meaningless controversy that hurt Aikman but didn't provide any real insight.