Whiteside's latest adventure has cost him a game and some money. His hit on Olynyk was unnecessary, unthinking, and basically stupid. Here's a link to the Boston Globe article with a video. Look at where Whiteside's elbows are when he shoves Olynyk. It's nearly a head shot, and the NHL might have given him 5 games.
I nearly lost my breakfast when I read of Dwayne Wade's comments. Evidently Whiteside did not learn enough from Wade about how to get away with cheap shots, and Wade has called him out. Wade is nothing but hypocritical when he talks about others. In the 4th quarter, as Boston was beginning to pull away, Wade put a shot on Isaiah Thomas that put Thomas to the floor. Thomas had to leave the game, he is badly bruised on the back and arm, and will have tests to determine if there is any further damage. Add this to Wade's take down of Rondo a few years ago that put Rondo out for the duration of the 2011 Eastern Conference Semifinals and his shove of Darren Collison in the 2012 post season. In short, Wade has a history of cheap shots that have not always been adequately dealt with by the NBA.
Whiteside's latest adventure has cost him a game and some money. His hit on Olynyk was unnecessary, unthinking, and basically stupid. Here's a link to the Boston Globe article with a video. Look at where Whiteside's elbows are when he shoves Olynyk. It's nearly a head shot, and the NHL might have given him 5 games.
I nearly lost my breakfast when I read of Dwayne Wade's comments. Evidently Whiteside did not learn enough from Wade about how to get away with cheap shots, and Wade has called him out. Wade is nothing but hypocritical when he talks about others. In the 4th quarter, as Boston was beginning to pull away, Wade put a shot on Isaiah Thomas that put Thomas to the floor. Thomas had to leave the game, he is badly bruised on the back and arm, and will have tests to determine if there is any further damage. Add this to Wade's take down of Rondo a few years ago that put Rondo out for the duration of the 2011 Eastern Conference Semifinals and his shove of Darren Collison in the 2012 post season. In short, Wade has a history of cheap shots that have not always been adequately dealt with by the NBA.