19th Century Baseball : is alive and well at Genesee Country Museum in New York. Each weekend, teams square off in replica jerseys. Equiptment and rules are exactly what you would have found in 1866. Much has changed since 1866 ... check out era related baseball slang. This isn't the only vintage baseball league ... there's more in Long Island, Burlington, Scarbourough, and Massachusetts. Want to start your own club? Try visiting the Vintage Baseball Association.
posted by jasonspaceman to baseball at 11:47 AM - 5 comments
Is the Burlington league vintage in terms of old rules/equipment? If so, they don't seem to play that up at all. They do play up the fact that it is a league for participants over 30 years of age so perhaps is the vintage they refer to. (and, err, Scarborough is spelled incorrectly. looks funny) The vintage sports thing is a good idea. Good entertainment I imagine. In Edinburgh they had a vintage golf thing at Leith Links which is a park now but I guess was the site of one of Scotland's first golf courses. I never took it in and only read announcements about it but I think they were offering a chance to golf the park using old skool clubs and balls.
posted by gspm at 12:08 PM on August 11, 2003
I totally can not wait to call someone a "muffin" at my next softball game.
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:13 PM on August 11, 2003
vito, when is said sale?
posted by corpse at 02:15 PM on August 11, 2003
They have it once per year in the Fall. This one was a special occasion because unfortunately they are closing down their Seattle warehouse and consolidating operations over in New York (where the Stall and Dean branch is). Too bad. Many of us here used to LIVE for the sale, when wool Homestead Grays Jerseys and New York Black Yankees and Atlanta Crackers jerseys could be purchased for $90. Supposedly they won't have another sale like that, but they are keeping their retail shop open right by Safeco field, so like Cubs fans we can be eternally optimistic :)
posted by vito90 at 03:15 PM on August 11, 2003
Oh my God. Somebody come find me in a couple hours. I spent all weekend and damn near $500 at this company's yearly half off sale buying vintage jerseys. Perfect timing spaceman, thanks.