Move over, homicidal hockey dad: A tennis father in France is accused of drugging his son's on-court rivals, killing one.
faith in humanity, fading....
posted by garfield at 01:52 PM on August 05, 2003
It's hard to fault Dad. He just wanted to stroke his boy's ego. He thought this would serve as the best way. But obviously he deserves a good hard backhand for this forced error. ugh...obviously I'm not even in other's league at this sort of wordplay...
posted by vito90 at 01:56 PM on August 05, 2003
I wish my Dad supported me like that. It's coming up at our next family gathering - Dad, you don't love me - you never even attempted to kill my rivals. How can you call yourself a father?
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:00 PM on August 05, 2003
I'm not impressed. He spiked the opponents water, big whoop. Walking out onto the court and smoking the opponent Dirty Harry style, thats impressive. Oh, wait he's French; figures.
posted by lilnemo at 04:00 PM on August 05, 2003
Those French are just so much more spphisticated than us American slobs, lilnemo! Wanna split a box'o'wine?
posted by billsaysthis at 05:04 PM on August 05, 2003
Hell, they can probably even spell sophisticated!
posted by billsaysthis at 05:05 PM on August 05, 2003
Apparently, according to BBC News, in one of the tournaments in which he drugged the opponent the prize was a leg of ham. So I think we can understand his motivation.
posted by squealy at 05:57 PM on August 05, 2003
Wow, I guess Michael Pemulis lives.