Pauley Pavillion Floor to be named "John and Nell Wooden Court".: This is a nice gesture. With the purging of Harrick, then Lavin. And the subsequent hiring of Howland, things are looking up at UCLA. If only they could do something about student seating. By the by, Wooden retired in 1975, and is now 92. What took them so long to make this gesture?
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 11:39 AM - 6 comments
Or Haley's Suckitorium.
posted by lilnemo at 02:23 PM on August 05, 2003
Is the court really wooden?
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:55 PM on August 05, 2003
As it said on the buttons I wore while attending USC: (F)UCLA!
posted by billsaysthis at 05:06 PM on August 05, 2003
I guess the UofA started a trend with the "Lute and Bobbi Olsen Court" a few years back.
posted by rushmc at 09:27 AM on August 06, 2003
How about at Staples? You could have the Kobe Bryant Circuit Court! Kareem Arena ... hehhehheh
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:51 AM on August 06, 2003
I would have named it Pooh Hollow. Or Kareem Arena.