FOXSports and The Sporting News websites to merge.: I hope they don't use the wretched flash interface that's on the FOXSports website. The Sporting News has been a decent alternative for the last few years, I hope they don't ruin it.
From reading that article, it appears that your hopes are already dashed -- Fox will handle the news side and SportingNews will handle the fantasy sports. I hope this doesn't lead to a merger between Fox sports radio and Sporting News Radio. The latter is the only national sportstalk network I like.
posted by rcade at 04:40 PM on July 28, 2003
Well, there ya go. You didn't think the Fox news people were just gonna let their jobs get taken away by the people they bought, did you?
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:41 PM on July 28, 2003
You know you're headed for heartbreak, corpse. I looked at Fox once or twice to get the FSW TV schedules, but that was the only thing that would make me go there. If Fox is smart, they'll let SportingNews do their thing. But organizational politics and ego usu. trump smartness when it comes to these things.