Writing in the Orlando Sentinel, Norman Chad suggests that horse racing is on its last legs. "Frankly, I think Ferdinand's a better metaphor for the sport at the moment than Seabiscuit."
I like the track as well, but I think that you have a lot of people like the idea of the track. Take those people around -- and they'll leave -- and you're left with pre-New Dealers.
posted by jackhererra at 02:51 PM on July 28, 2003
Washington Post article on the "fading of racing life." (minor reg req'd) I don't know a single person who follows horse racing. Though I understand that Bob Nastanovich of Pavement moved across the street from Churchill Downs because he's a big bettor...
posted by Mookieproof at 03:13 PM on July 28, 2003
I'd like to point out that Norman Chad is a professional knob. For those of you who don't know Chad's work, he is a co-host during the movies ESPN Classic runs when they don't have a SportsCentury on Van Lingle Mungo to air. He also does a weekly pick chart for the NFL, complete with snappy banter and snotty comments. That would be fine (I do the same thing and am considering posting it here every week), but his track record sucks. Going a whole two games over .500 for a season and a losing season the year before is not much of a reason to try again. And what's with (are you ready?) all the parenthetical clauses (but I like them!)? It's like trying to read an ingredients listing on a chocolate bar.
posted by wfrazerjr at 04:09 PM on July 28, 2003
Chad's columns would be funny, if he was capable of being funny.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:26 PM on July 28, 2003
"I'd like to point out that Norman Chad is a professional knob." - wfrazerjr Good stuff!
posted by dusted at 05:06 PM on July 28, 2003
thank yew, thank yew ... Would there be any interest in my Norman Chad-like (but funnier, and with fewer parentheses) ramblings about the week to come in the NFL? Could I post them as a column every week without being overbearing?
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:33 PM on July 28, 2003
I think that would be cool as we're not getting much in the way of columns. And I can't imagine you not being funnier than him--why my daily (SJ Mercury News) bothers to run his fecal matter is beyond me.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:23 PM on July 28, 2003
I used to love Norman Chad's football picks when he was (syndicated, I guess) (sorry, wfrazerjr) in the Washington Post. I only read them for the funny bits, not the picks. This may be a coincidence, but he seemed to get markedly less funny around the time he disappered from the Post. And wfrazerjr, a weekly column would be fun.
posted by kirkaracha at 10:31 PM on July 28, 2003
You got it, and always, remember - these picks are not for gambling purposes.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:43 PM on July 28, 2003
these picks are not for gambling purposes Killjoy.
posted by kloeprich at 11:06 PM on July 28, 2003
No, it's because I don't want someone putting a hit out on my ass after they piss away the mortgage payment on my advice.
posted by wfrazerjr at 12:02 AM on July 29, 2003
That was all a simple misunderstanding. Besides, I sold the gun. The handgun anyway.
posted by kloeprich at 12:24 AM on July 29, 2003
In Britain, horse racing apparently exists mainly as something for people to bet on. In the absence of High Street betting shops in the US, what is the point?
posted by salmacis at 04:29 AM on July 29, 2003
OTB, salmacis.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:34 PM on July 29, 2003
I took the bailiff's car and went to OTB!
posted by wfrazerjr at 08:32 PM on July 29, 2003
What is OTB?
posted by salmacis at 08:12 AM on July 30, 2003
Off Track Betting
posted by garfield at 08:24 AM on July 30, 2003
You mean bookies actually at the racecourse?
posted by salmacis at 09:43 AM on July 30, 2003
Not sure I follow. OTB is just a venue to place bets if you can't make it to the track. I'm not an avid wagerer myself, so I'm no help with the bookies question.
posted by garfield at 11:48 AM on July 30, 2003
I dunno, I think the guy was more interested in stretching for laughs than in making a real case for the impending death of horse racing. I've been to the local track a couple of times in the past few years, and the crowds were decent, and certainly not all "pre-New Deal." And it was a ton o' fun, too, although it would have been better if we'd been wearing white suits and drinking mint juleps.