ESPN's Wright Thompson Gives Fans Startling Glimpse into Life of Johnny Manziel: Johnny Manziel is just a young man trying to deal with the fame that comes with a Heisman Trophy and the expectations that come with an alter ego as polarizing as Johnny Football.
Of course, being a 20-year-old is never easy, but it's especially hard when every action, tweet and purchase is scrutinized by anyone with a camera or Twitter feed.
I thought Tim Marchman's take on it was pretty spot on.
posted by Mookieproof at 07:09 PM on August 01, 2013
Now Manziel is reportedly under investigation for taking a flat, five-figure sum to sign autographs on photos, etc. for an autograph broker the week of the BCS National Championship. The report says many individuals were present at this signing, seeming to ensure the NCAA will be able to prove if it took place or not.
It might be one-and-done for Johnny boy.
posted by dyams at 07:09 PM on August 04, 2013
First off, why are these places he goes to in Texas knowingly serving a 20 year old alcohol? The golf course they are playing at should lose their liquor license.
While many young people drink, this kid is nearing big trouble. He's not mature enough to handle his current life situation and, like the story said, he may be using alcohol to deal with his stress. Not a good scenario for someone who hasn't even reached legal drinking age.
One more year then he'll leave college? Has anyone determined if he's a sure-fire lock for NFL success? If he doesn't pan out, I can envision him falling apart.
Thing is, he's not the first young football star. He'd be wise seeking out advice from others who have handled college fame appropriately.