Robbie Rogers Unretires, Signs with L.A. Galaxy: U.S. international Robbie Rogers, who retired from pro soccer in February after revealing in a blog post that he's gay, has signed with the L.A. Galaxy. Speaking to a group of LGBT teens at a Nike event a month later changed his mind about retirement, he said. "That Nike camp made me feel a little soft," said Rogers, 26. "It taught me I needed to man up a little bit. It's easy to play a sport that you love and be a role model for people. It's a perfect situation for me." The former Leeds United player will be on the active roster for tonight's game against Seattle. "His gay legacy will be significant -- he'll go down in history as the first to play in a game," said Jim Buzinski of Outsports.Com.
Good for him, the Galaxy, MLS, and professional sports as a whole. I wish him every success, including being good enough for Brazil.
posted by flannelenigma at 03:22 PM on May 26, 2013
I'll never root for the Galaxy
Appropriate and somewhat hilarious in Australian.
Seriously, Go Robbie!
posted by owlhouse at 02:03 AM on May 27, 2013
I think Rogers participation in MLS is fantastic, but I'm disappointed that the Galaxy have lost Mike Magee to the Chicago Fire in the process. Magee was an absolutely vital player in the Galaxy's playoff success of the past two years, and I'm concerned that the league - which has a vast amount of control over transfers - has sacrificed Magee's spot on the squad to make sure Rogers can play in a high-profile (by MLS standards) club in a diverse, liberal city.
That being said, the Galaxy just routed the Sounders 4-0, and perhaps I'm just being a bit of a conspiracy theorist. But, Magee scored some huge goals when it counted the last couple campaigns.
posted by sbacharach at 10:12 PM on May 27, 2013
I'll never root for the Galaxy but this is a great move by the team and MLS.