SportsFilter: The Thursday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
This will follow Carmelo forever and the only reason we even know about it is because Carmelo gave KG the reaction he was looking for. If he had just ignored it I doubt we'd have ever heard about it. And it's such a funny line that I can't even work up any self righteous anger towards KG.
posted by tron7 at 03:06 PM on January 10, 2013
It's too bad 'Melo didn't heed his own advice.
posted by yerfatma at 03:59 PM on January 10, 2013
Garnett accomplished exactly what he wanted to. That is, he got so far inside Melo's head that it affected his game. Melo's line: FGA 26, FGM 6; 3ptA 12, 3ptM 4; FTA 7, FTM 4; OR 0, DR 3, TR 3; 5 assists, 5 PF, 1 steal, 0 blocks, 1 block against. Without looking deeply, his 20 points would seem to be a good outing, but if you had actually seen the game, it would be clear that he might have been the principal reason for the loss. Consider that his 26 shot attempts were more than 1/3 of the Knicks' total shots (76), but his makes were less than 20% of the team's (31 total for NYK). Melo played 36:51, and in the 2nd half was throwing up shot after shot early in the possession. I'm quite surprised after the double technical foul that saw him chasing Garnett down the court, Mike Woodson didn't sit him down.
Looks like after a good start, the clowns are again running the circus in New York, and reality is beginning to set in.
Honey-Nut Cheerios? I'm not sure this is an exact description of female flavoring, but It sounds awfully made-up. There was a denial that these were the words used from the Boston side (not from Garnett - he isn't talking), so take the report with a grain of salt.
posted by Howard_T at 04:37 PM on January 10, 2013
What caused Carmelo to snap and go after KG as the Celtics boarded their team bus? Just your average argument over breakfast cereal. Potentially NSFW for photos of La La's only current assets in this world.*
* Subject to change depending on whether they get divorced.