Mighty Dumb Mighty Mouse: As I feel some obligation to post bhange-related stories, this AZ airport incident is just plain, down-right, overtly, and entirely stupid on Damon's part. First, he plays for a team called the TrailBlazers. Second, Damon, along with teammate and upstanding member of the Portland community Rasheed 'The Weed' Wallace, were burned for burning one down coming back from a game. If being a Blazer and hanging with 'The Weed' aren't sufficient to learn you good, then trying to pass through post 9/11 airport security with a fatsack should do the trick. Especially considering how the war on terror and the war on drugs have become one and the same(that doesn't bode well, eh?). Silly Damon, tricks are for people who can get away with them.
Sooner or later the Blazers are going to have to cut some people to get this message across: Don't be dumb! Oh, and probably the single greatest sign ever held up at a sporting event goes to the fan at the Rose Garden for a game against Denver... It read, "Go Portland! Blaze Them Nuggets!".
posted by 86 at 05:05 PM on July 07, 2003
He wrapped the weed in aluminum foil before going through airport metal detectors. There is an award for stupidity of this caliber, right?
posted by dusted at 06:55 PM on July 07, 2003
The home team never fails to make me proud.
One of the local free papers ran an interview with him in which he makes it clear he's not really all that interested in playing for his hometown team unless he gets it his way: "At the end of the day, I just want to know how Damon Stoudamire is going to be used," Stoudamire says. "If I am there in Portland next season, fine. If I'm not, fine. If you're not going to use me the way I should be used, then work out a trade. I want to be in a position where I'm loved by management and my coach, and they ride with my accomplishments." I hope we get a GM that instead of trading talent like Jermaine O'Neal and Brian Grant away gets rid of the people who are too dumb to be wasting precious brain cells smoking pot. I've got nothing against the occasional puff-puff-give as long as there's a give, and you're not already at the mental capacity of a two year old...
posted by togdon at 09:17 PM on July 07, 2003
I'm just wondering — can anyone think of a professional franchise that has wasted more talent over a 3-5 year period? I've been racking my brain ...
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:26 AM on July 08, 2003
Clippers.. not as much talent, but equally as wasted.
posted by corpse at 08:43 AM on July 08, 2003
The mind absolutely reels over this. I'm assuming Damon has a connection in Portland. He really needed to carry the weed home with him? And for the love of God, tinfoil?
posted by vito90 at 09:25 AM on July 08, 2003
At least he took the tin foil out of his pocket and placed it in a tray before going through the metal detector. 'Phew! Wouldn't want my herb to go through those man-made x-rays dude! I want to keep it all natural, like it was meant to be.' Dufus!
posted by garfield at 10:14 AM on July 08, 2003
posted by vito90 at 01:10 PM on July 08, 2003
Now THAT'S comedy. Thanks, Vito.
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:47 PM on July 08, 2003
Isn't this his third bust? Qu'elle dumbass.