Fantasy Sports Now on Front Page: The Fantasy Sports category has moved from the Locker Room to SportsFilter's front page. Use it to solicit members for leagues created for members of this site and provide updates during the season.
posted by rcade to editorial policy at 03:43 PM - 5 comments
I have two thoughts:
1.Use it to solicit members for leagues created for members of this site
But isn't the front page viewable to even non-members? So now the group ID and password for a private league meant for Sportsfilter members is now out there for public consumption.
2. The weekly CFL pick em was always at or just below the top of the locker room page. Assuming the new thread goes up on Tuesday and games don't start until Friday, it could be pushed far down the page and be overlooked causing some of us *me* to forget to make that weeks' picks.
posted by MrFrisby at 06:32 PM on September 04, 2012
The Locker Room is visible to non-members too. The Fantasy Sports category page will show you the latest posts as well as the Locker Room did.
posted by rcade at 06:36 PM on September 04, 2012
If I'm not logged in (i.e. seeing it from a nonmembers view) there is no link from the front page to the locker room or a search link to categories (confirmed in IE and Firefox). Yes it's still visable if you have a link or know the web address but it's a lot harder to stumble across.
I'm not saying I'm against it, just saying those are my concerns. I'm all for letting it fly and calling it a trial period.
posted by MrFrisby at 07:00 PM on September 04, 2012
Hey, now I don't have to deal with the Locker Room escaping bug anymore. Woohoo!
posted by DrJohnEvans at 04:10 PM on September 05, 2012
I hope the general public is ready for weekly CFL spam!