Torture or training? : Inside the brutal Chinese gymnasium where the country's future Olympic stars are beaten into shape.
I don't know and neither does this article suggest. In my experience, it's best not to base the entirety of a viewpoint to a single source, especially if it's a Daily Mail article.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:29 PM on August 25, 2012
while training techniques appear extreme to Western eyes
Likely these techniques appear extreme to Eastern eyes as well.
I struggle with many choices that parents and cultures make for children. I think competition is good, but I believe making it the journey and the destination is, at best, problematic.
Determing where the line is between "good" and "bad" in this area appears difficult. Is training that makes a child cry necessarily "bad"? Do some of these children experience this training as traumatic- rendering them psychologically or physically wounded?