SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
With the short, slicked back hair and the tattoos, Voronin bears a vague resemblance to Viggo Mortensen in Eastern Promises. Which I suppose is another way of saying that he looks like a Russian mobster. Better look than the ponytail days, in my opinion -- he looks like a hard man (even if we all know this to not be the case) rather than just ridiculous.
posted by holden at 04:02 PM on June 11, 2012
Needs more tats though. I think only one arm has a sleeve.
posted by yerfatma at 05:33 PM on June 11, 2012
A couple people watching the game with me said they were disappointed with the way England played. Which is a bit like getting a dog and then being disappointed it barks.
It's not as defensive as the Greek 6-3-1 formation from 04, but that's not a tagline exciting enough for ESPN to put on their commercials.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 05:42 PM on June 11, 2012
England under Hodgson look like a team that's realised that they aren't all that good. This might actually work in their favour in some games. The 4-4-1-1 is obvious and unimaginative, but then so are the players.
posted by owlhouse at 09:29 PM on June 11, 2012
I ran across this analysis of ticket prices in the major sports this evening. The web site,, used prices on the secondary market (Stub Hub and the like) to determine the 5 priciest teams in each major sport. Not surprising to us Boston fans, Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics were among the top 5 in their respective sports. I've been able to get good Celtics tickets through the team's web site just by being on their e-mail list. Getting Patriots' tickets through the primary sale is a matter of luck and a fast computer, but my son and I were able to get 3rd deck corner end zone seats for a Monday night game. As for the Red Sox, I have read that tickets available near game time for recent games were going for as little as $10 through Stub Hub. I've looked at Stub Hub and the Red Sox web site lately just out of curiosity, but I've found no bargains available.
posted by Howard_T at 09:43 PM on June 11, 2012
The web site,, used prices on the secondary market (Stub Hub and the like) to determine the 5 priciest teams in each major sport. Not surprising to us Boston fans, Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics were among the top 5 in their respective sports.
A secondary market analysis is going to always skew towards larger markets because there is way more demand for tickets (as the teams are usually popular, with many tourists aiming to get tickets and large markets of residents who are nearby) than there would be in, say, Arizona. Boston, New York and Toronto all make total sense for that reason.
Average ticket prices are also not great at looking at the relative cost; the median would be more appropriate. Large markets like NY and Boston can sell ultra-expensive skyboxes and premium, courtside seats at a price that just isn't possible elsewhere because there's a lot more wealth in those cities. I scored a couple of tickets to a Yankees game recently for $58 bucks (not secondary either) which is roughly the same, for the same location, in a number of other cities I've seen games in.
posted by dfleming at 09:49 AM on June 12, 2012
England's gotta feel pretty good about getting a point today...the French came out pretty sleepy early on and missed a number of good chances in the second half.