An Open Letter from Kenny Powers to Tim Tebow: "The more I read about Tim Tebow, the more I see similarities to my own life story," writes Kenny Powers. "Though neither the strongest nor the fastest, he excels at sports. Many experts doubt the remarkable lad. They tell him he throws funny, and that he doesn't have the right physique for the game. It's science, they say. He'll only go so far. But the Gifted Young Athlete refuses to let the doubters shit in his Wheaties."
Just finished Season 2 of that show on Netflix - hilarious.
posted by sbacharach at 02:46 PM on February 08, 2012
Yeah it is! Kenny Powers is insanely awesome!
posted by BornIcon at 03:30 PM on February 08, 2012
Think about it. There are folks in Africa who get AIDS without even being gay. Yet here Jesus is, helping me & Tebow out in sports, just because we're maybe a little bit cooler in his eyes. It's a raw deal, plain and simple. Even though he's hooking me up, I still see it's kind of a cocksucker move on Jesus's part.