Tom Watson: is having a great first round at The Open. What a story this would make if he could pull off a good tournament, considering everything his caddy is going through.
wfrazier's covered the bad of the broadcast... Meanwhile this was easily the best line so far. "I'll have to check, but you may be allowed to use a towel to remove something like dung." - David Fay, Rules Guru on ESPN.
posted by 86 at 05:19 PM on June 13, 2003
Watson slipped to -3 after the second round, but he's still playing damn well. Here are a couple thoughts: 1) I watched the finish of Watson's second round, and Chris Berman asked about the fatigue factor. Fatigue?!? It's f*^%$!@! golf! He's 53, not George Burns! And who put Berman on golf anyway? That's like sending in Vince Neil to conduct the London Philharmonic. 2) ESPN kept showing Watson's caddy, Bruce Edwards, while Watson was putting. What do they think is going to happen, he's going to explode on camera? We get it, guys � Edwards has ALS. Stop exploiting it and get on with the coverage. If you want to show Watson conversing with him, that's fine. But don't show Edwards just standing there, doing nothing. Treat him with some respect. 3) Why does the PGA insist on making the word "tour" into "TOUR" on their web site? Should I be yelling every time I read it? I keep picturing Garrett Morris in a little oval in the corner of my screen � "OUR TOP STORY TONIGHT!"