Sports Teams Ranked by Social Media Popularity: The most popular sports team is the Spanish soccer club Real Madrid, according to a metric of social media followers and views tabulated by Famecount. The team has 17.9 million Facebook fans, 2.1 million Twitter followers and 39.9 million YouTube views. The least is the Italian soccer club A.C. Siena, with just 1,516 Facebook fans.
I wonder for American sports teams if the numbers are skewed by how much those franchises engage the fans using social media. If the Red Sox as an organization aren't advertising for following us on FB or to follow their Twitter feed, then their social numbers will look down even if they are still very popular.
posted by jmd82 at 01:14 AM on August 13, 2011
Wow. I'm not being a homer here, but I really thought the Red Sox would be the number one American franchise, what with the geographic and social reach of Red Sox Nation. But well behind the Celtics even? Weird.