McIlroy to BBC Commentator: Shut Up, You 'Failed Golfer': After Rory McIlroy played three-over on the back nine to finish at 70 in the Irish Open first round, BBC golf commentator Jay Townsend said on Twitter that McIlroy's course management was "some of the worst I have ever seen beyond under-10's boys golf competition." McIlroy's response, also over the service: "shut up.... You're a commentator and a failed golfer, your opinion means nothing!"
McIlroy needs to get a thicker skin. He's the highest profile player currently playing golf.
posted by bperk at 01:44 PM on July 28, 2011
He needs to shut up. Talk about turning a non-story into a story. Townsend is an arse, and his commentating is terrible, but you need to say that stuff to his face behind closed doors. Fair enough if you want to defend Townsend's attack on your caddy, but again, you probably don't need to do it publicly.
Rory's mouth (or twittering finger) has got him in trouble a few times now (I paraphrase: "The Ryder Cup's an exhibition and I'm not bothered whether or not I get on the team", "The Open is just one week a year, I'm not going to change my whole game just to try and win it." and now this), and I've tended to shrug and say "He's only 19 (or 20, 21, 22); I wouldn't like to be held to everything I ever said when I was that age - or my haircut." - but I guess there has to come a time when he doesn't get that kind of free pass anymore.
Having said all that, I've been front and centre when it comes to slagging off Tiger for saying NOTHING when he's interviewed, so I still find it more interesting to hear someone shoot their mouth off if they have an opinion than pretend to not have an opinion because it might cause this sort of uproar in a teacup.
posted by JJ at 05:40 PM on July 29, 2011
I think we can retire the "wise beyond his years" praise for McIlroy at this point.
posted by rcade at 06:58 PM on July 29, 2011
Aren't we all failed golfers when you think about it?
/cue violins
posted by yerfatma at 09:11 AM on July 30, 2011
I'm not. I'm awesome. Seriously. If they ever have a "who can hit it furthest out of bounds" contest, I'm a multiple major winner waiting to happen.
posted by JJ at 09:16 AM on August 01, 2011
That's odd. The legion of failed golfers who've been singing his praises didn't seem to bother him.