Come on Chelsea!: Who says there is nothing left to get excited about? Liverpool V Chelsea might just be the most lucrative game ever played. Game chuffin on! Apologies for hogging the front page, I am sure the Grand Dame of Spofi will be along to warn me I am Risking The Wrath of the Pantheon.
posted by Fat Buddha to soccer at 01:38 PM - 9 comments
Just to be contrary. Go Chels*cough* *cough*. I can't even bring myself to say it. So go Liverpool I guess.
posted by trox at 02:19 PM on May 09, 2003
Uh, we ARE the pantheon....go Liverpool!!
posted by StarFucker at 02:30 PM on May 09, 2003
Grand Dame of Spofi? Who are we talking about here, water closet or the fooker himself? The Division one playoff final is always the most valuable game in England (what is it now, £10 mil just from tv rights?). You should know that surely!
posted by BigCalm at 03:18 PM on May 09, 2003
er, 10 mil from premiership tv rights I should have said, not just for screening the playoff final. Dur. I'm going to go and hide in the corner - I've not been making sense all day.
posted by BigCalm at 03:20 PM on May 09, 2003
Calmy, old chap, like you I thought the Div One play off was the most lucrative game, and it is very lucrative for the winner (unless you are a baggie) but is all in future gains; it can be a poisoned chalice (may the lord of cliche forgive me for that). Chelsea and Liverpool, bless their humble little socks, budget for champs league, so not qualifying is a disaster, apparently. Anyway, it's worth 20 mill according to the article, which like a Villa fan you clearly couldn't be arsed to read. Why can't they both lose? It's still feasible you shitehawks can finish above us, don't hide yet; of course everyone knows we are the moral victors.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:44 PM on May 09, 2003
Looks like Kewell is going to stay at Leeds...
posted by StarFucker at 03:45 PM on May 09, 2003
Sillyfucker, comrade, if true that is a major mistake (as Julian Cope said). Reid and Kewell will fall out guarandamnteed. Reid is a likeable scally, but his time has passed. Leeds are fucked.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:53 PM on May 09, 2003
Liverpool Liverpool Liverpool!!! Make me a wedding present and win, you oafs!
posted by billsaysthis at 06:53 PM on May 09, 2003
Damn, FB! This is more soccer posts than I could dream of, or engineer on my own. Hahahahaha. You are fookin' brilliant. Brilliant! Oh, btw, you are risking the wrath of the Pantheon. And all other grumpy football-haters. Hahahahahahahaha. Go Liverpool!