Florida Times-Union sports columnist Mark Woods is leaving behind what many would consider to be a dream job. "I think this step away from sports will allow me to love them again," he writes in his last column.
20 years is a career in itself these days. It's a pretty great country when you can go out and start another one on your own terms. I say good luck to Mr. Woods.
posted by usfbull at 11:01 PM on May 08, 2003
If his writing is as consistently as dry as it is in his 20-year farewell column, I dion't think it makes much difference what section of the paper his column is in.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:06 AM on May 09, 2003
I think after 20 years a change of pace will be good for him, would be good for pretty much anyone in the same job for 20 years. Sure the seasons change each year, the people, the tenor and mileau, but after so many years can one really love baseball any more? Plus, the comment about spending time with his kid was probably pretty significant--which would you rather do?