The NBA needs more guys like this.: "Bowen, explaining the need for postgame lifting himself, said with a wide smile: "I appreciate where I am." I'm not a big NBA fan, but if there were more hard workers like this who deserved and received the spotlight, I might take a second look.
posted by garfield to basketball at 09:48 AM - 4 comments
Bowen's not only a hard worker, he's also a pretty good guy who regularly comes back to our area (Fresno) to put on camps - camps in which he actually participates and that carry a big emphasis on character and education. The NBA does need more guys like Bowen but it sure seems like the Spurs have more than their share. Hard not to root for those guys.
posted by kloeprich at 11:27 AM on May 08, 2003
Yes, I'm rooting more anti-Laker than pro-anyone, but every time you think about the makeup of the Spurs, especially when compared to the rest of the league, you can't help but support them. Not a team I'd mind taking the crown, and maybe the Admiral can go out on top.
posted by Bernreuther at 12:04 PM on May 08, 2003
Well, bernreuther, they did win the championship in '98-99, so Robinson isn't toiling in purgatory exactly. But I get the point- while I too am anti-Laker more than pro-Spur, the Spurs are one of the "good guy" franchises, and seem to have a team focus on good citizenship (the Admiral being exhibit A, but certainly not the only one). I could have done without their overt Christian Fellowship thing during the Avery Johnson years, but I'll gladly take their bible-beatin' when it comes with their charity/community focused ways.
posted by hincandenza at 07:26 PM on May 08, 2003
Bowen is an amazing player, and he's really paid his dues. He played in the CBA and overseas on a bunch of teams before finally getting into the NBA. There was a great LA Times article (registration required) on his career about a week ago. Here's an excerpt: