Tiger Woods: How I've Redefined Victory: In an essay for Newsweek, Tiger Woods shares what he's learned from his extended public humiliation and divorce. "At first, I didn't want to look inward. Frankly, I was scared of what I would find -- what I had become," he writes. "What endures in the record books are the achievements won through competition. What endures in our actual lives is the love of our family and the respect of others."
Tiger, just play golf. That is what people like to see in you. Enough of the essays written by your PR people and the self-serving platitudes.
Who knows. If you concentrate on golf, maybe you'll get your game back.
posted by roberts at 06:47 AM on November 20, 2010
What change in attitude? This is just more of the same old stuff. Half a dozen trite paragraphs that, no matter how many PR fingerprints they have on them, still make it sound like Tiger honestly thinks this is something that happened to him, not something he did; followed by a penultimate paragraph in which he offers the now familiar complaint about how other people are treating him.
He needs to do one of two things: either shut up and play golf, or make one final statement in which he simply says "I totally f*cked up my life, my wife's life and my kids lives. I'm sorry," and then shut up and play golf.
The sport is unquestionably more exciting and interesting when he's playing and playing well. Perversely, everything that's happened to diminish the aura of perfection that used to surround him is likely to make it even MORE exciting in the years to come as guys top just capitulating to him.
posted by JJ at 08:25 AM on November 20, 2010
Woods will never stop, though, because there remains that need people have, and the media drives, thinking they must know all the details about the night this all came into the public's eye (the crash at his home and the particulars involved in that). Until he comes out with that (in a way the public accepts, which I think he'll never do), he'll continue to be pushed for comments and continue giving the same type of responses.
posted by dyams at 09:38 AM on November 20, 2010
Sorry Tiger. Your PR blitz does not seem to be working.
posted by roberts at 06:25 PM on November 20, 2010
Tiger Woods' problem is that all of his charisma is tied up in winning golf tournaments. He's never been an engaging person in interviews or other public appearances. Watching him try to charm people is as sad as watching Charles Barkley swing a golf club.
posted by rcade at 06:56 PM on November 20, 2010
I'm not in a position to doubt what he says, but I hope this change in attitude is for the long-haul, and not just a on-going ploy by his advisors/agents to attempt to rectify his shattered image. Obviously, my only involvement with Woods is what I see on (mainly) golf telecasts, and the sport is more exciting with him involved.