Bill Laimbeer's business fouls out,: writes the Freep's Tom Walsh. Laimbeer Packaging Co., which the former Piston shut down two months ago, left nearly 100 employees jobless. Creditors have sued him, his union is demanding vacation and holiday pay, and TV news crews have dogged him. Who knew that boxing out NBA players would be easier than making cardboard boxes?
posted by thescoop to basketball at 11:19 AM - 6 comments
No ref to whine to in the business world.
posted by WilberT at 12:59 PM on February 26, 2002
I heard that the company was beginning to feel boxed in. (My apologies.) I feel sorry for Flint. Michigan ("In 1997, Laimbeer said, the company made what he now concedes was a mistake, buying a box plant in Flint"). Has anyone else seen Michael Moore's Roger and Me? I think a better philosophy would have been "Work smarter and harder" instead of "Work smarter not harder."
posted by jacknose at 01:17 PM on February 26, 2002
Someone mentioned Thomas before, but by my count that makes at least two ex-Pistons who have failed in one of their post-NBA endeavors.
posted by 86 at 01:36 PM on February 26, 2002
It is more than failure. Both Thom-ass and Lame-beer left a swath of destruction behind them. People must get gulled by NBA credentials and fame and turn their brains off when dealing with these guys
posted by srboisvert at 10:42 PM on February 26, 2002
Joe Dumars is doing a bang-up job as Pistons GM, though.
posted by oddovid at 10:55 PM on February 27, 2002
he should join thomas' coaching staff at indiana, so that when artest gets in a fight with someone, laimbeer will be on hand to lend a helping fist -- just like the good old days in detroit.