CFL Pick 'Em, Week 13: Three close games means points handed out by the bunch. Plus a clear leader emerges from the pack to take a stranglehold on first place. Is it you? The only way to know is to make your picks inside.
posted by DrJohnEvans to fantasy at 12:44 AM - 20 comments
This has got to stop. I'm looking at you, Quebec. Montreal by 7. On a flight from Phnom Penh to Bangkok, I was subjected to the nth repeat of "Just for Laughs - Gags". Saskatchewan by 14. They even show you a map of Canada and a map of Quebec at the beginning of each episode. Calgary by 14. I suppose that's so you know where to go in order to hunt down and kill the producers of this merde. Edmonton by 7.
posted by owlhouse at 07:32 AM on September 23, 2010
Montreal by 10
Hamilton by 7
Calgary by 10
Toronto by 7
posted by cixelsyd at 09:06 AM on September 23, 2010
MTL -6.5
HAM -0.5
CAL -9.5
TOR -3.5
posted by Spitztengle at 09:16 AM on September 23, 2010
Winnipeg by 7
Hamilton by 7
Calgary by 7
Edmonton by 7
posted by apoch at 09:24 AM on September 23, 2010
"I didn't even know there was a place outside of Maine in the Atlantic," said veteran receiver Jeremaine Copeland, who may or may not have been joking. "I didn't even know there was an Atlantic time. They were telling me I was losing another hour going out and I was like, Man, fish don't need time'."
posted by DrJohnEvans at 11:25 AM on September 23, 2010
Winnipeg by 3
Hamilton by 4
Calgary by 7
Toronto by 15
posted by bender at 01:06 PM on September 23, 2010
Even Schultzie wouldn't forget NFLD & Labrador has another half hour on that too! We might question his picks though:
'peg by 3
Hammer by 6
Cowtown by 10
Boys in Blue by 5
posted by Spitztengle at 02:58 PM on September 23, 2010
Montreal by 11
Saskatchewan by 4
Calgary by 14
Toronto by 5
posted by Reever at 03:10 PM on September 23, 2010
Montreal by 17
Saskatchewan by 11
Calgary by 16
Edmonton by 4 blech
posted by tommybiden at 03:35 PM on September 23, 2010
Montreal by 10
Sask by 7
Calgary by 8
Toronto by 3
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 06:08 PM on September 23, 2010
Montreal by 12 Saskatchewan by 17 BC by 3 Toronto by 13
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:37 PM on September 23, 2010
It's favourites week.
Montreal by 7
Saskatchewan by 10
Calgary by 19
Toronto by 5
posted by DrJohnEvans at 02:17 PM on September 24, 2010
You know what? I like Bomber fans better than Alouette fans. The "Ryans" have been sociable regulars at the Grey Cup party (Ryan Ginger, Ryan Coke, Ryan Seven, Ryan Water, et al). Maybe it's the blue-collar sensibility that Winnipeg has similar to Edmonton, but I just like them better. That, and I've seen the Alouettes too many times at Grey Cup in recent years. I'm bored with them. So I'd like to see nothing more than the Blue and Gold pull off an upset this week on home turf. Alas, I just don't see it happening. Montreal by 12.
Some of my best friends are Rider fans. But I've got a bit of an issue with the arrogant followers the Rider Priders have had join their ranks of late. The Tabbies are fighting for their lives in Steeltown, a new stadium, and struggling to find their full-time football identity on the field this year. I'd say that's who I like more right now. SportSelect has 'em picked as faves this week. I might have to roll that way too. Yeah, why not? TiCats by 4.
Staying on the topic of fans, there are no fans I despise more than Stamps fans. I've got really close buds who are Stamps fans, but on the whole, they're a tough bunch to handle. So what they have a pancake breakfast at Grey Cup? So what they were actually responsible for starting the Grey Cup party scene? I haven't tipped back any pints with their kind at Grey Cup (other than the buds who travel with me). Lui Passaglia in the Lion's Den though? If I had to drop the Green & Gold, the Lions would do. But again, those stinkin' Stampeders are hot to trot. Leos are just too hit and miss. Hope it's a real test though. Sunnuvvabitchin' Stampeders by Seven.
Touchdown Atlantic!!! Wow! Now those are some fans! The Atlantic Schooner group who cheers for a team that still may be many years in the making. So cheers to the league, and cheers to all who want to see it grow and truly cross this nation from coast-to-coast!!! And cheers to Argo fans! I love you. True Canadians. Real people. In a city that doesn't seem to care about you much, you carry on. So let's hope that this is the game of the week, for all involved. I'd like to think that the Esks are gonna have to play close to their potential at some point. Maybe the pressure is off in some ways now and they can just play loose ... have some fun. I don't know if Foley is suiting up for the Double Blue this week, but he could make it tough on Ray (gosh, he's taken a shit-kicking this season). Barker is gonna have some awesome rinky-dink stuff to show us this week. Big play is gonna be the difference. Oh how I'd love to pick you EE, but you've done nothing to show me you want to win this one. The Argos do. Double Blue by 2.
posted by Spitztengle at 03:40 PM on September 24, 2010
Montreal by 14
Hamilton by 6
Calgary by 10
Toronto by 6
posted by JPR at 05:53 PM on September 24, 2010
Wow, looks like I missed a real shootout last night in Winnipeg: Montreal 44 - Winnipeg 40
posted by Spitztengle at 12:51 PM on September 25, 2010
Sasquatch won: Riders 32 - Tabbies 25. Quite an exciting ball game.
posted by Spitztengle at 11:11 PM on September 25, 2010
Upset in Cowtown: Leos 29 - Stamps 10
posted by Spitztengle at 01:04 AM on September 26, 2010
The Esks win. The Esks actually win: Edmonton 24 - Toronto 6
posted by Spitztengle at 04:09 PM on September 26, 2010
Saskatchewan stops Calgary on their 3-yard line to hang on for a crazy OT win. Hamilton rides a late interception to a rare West coast victory over the Lions. Toronto gets defense, special teams, and just enough offence to grit out the win over Winnipeg. And Edmonton can make all the front-office changes they want, but Montreal will always be a tough place to win.
Holy movement, Batman! tommytrump's resounding six points catapault him into a very strong four-point lead. Other strong weeks shuffle the board a bit, but has this turned into a race for second place?
This is the week where I start looking exclusively at the standings when writing these preview bits.
Montreal @ Winnipeg (Friday, September 24) Winnipeg has played Jekyll and Hyde over the past few weeks. Who will show up on Friday, and will it be enough to move them into crossover contention?
Saskatchewan @ Hamilton (Saturday, September 25) Two teams that had their groove, lost it, and are getting it back. Somebody's getting derailed this week, and I might go so far as to say I don't know who it'll be.
B.C. @ Calgary (Saturday, September 25) B.C. seemed to be getting together, but a tough home loss last week is followed up by what will be an even tougher trip to Calgary.
Edmonton vs Toronto (Sunday, September 26) At the 2007 Grey Cup, the Touchdown Atlantic pavilion was selling crab puffs for $15 a pop. I fear that foreshadows the way this game will go.
Good luck!