Staying Up! : I hope and pray I can be indulged in this. Blues have been absolutely awseome this season, although no one with any intelligence would pretend we have been anything but ugly. Until the last 8 games or so when we seem to have found ourselves. Today we beat Middlesborogh 3-0 which ensures another season in the sun for us (amongst many other esoteric and subtle sub plots) Here is a view of a boro fan that was there. Here is the view old Bluenose Ron , who should be earning a living at this. Once again, sorry for the indulgence.
posted by Fat Buddha to soccer at 06:16 PM - 31 comments
To tell the truth, wc20002, there is no elation over staying up. It's just something we happened to do, with a bit to spare. There is no comparison with the play off final. There never will be any comparison. I hope none of my spofi cyberpals, even the fucker, have to live through a play off, ever. I would sooner open a vein and feel that cool yet comfortingly warm water take me to a happier place.
posted by Fat Buddha at 08:02 PM on April 26, 2003
FB is right. It was a bit of an anticlimax if the truth be told. I expected a pitch invasion or a lap of honour at the end, but neither thing happened. Loads of people left before the end too, which I have never been able to understand. It all seemed a little subdued to me. Nothing whatsoever like the playoff which was the height of emotion of thirty years of supporting the Blues (for me anyway). I never, repeat never want to go through that again, and that's as a supporter of the winning team. God knows how the Norwich fans must have felt.
posted by squealy at 03:08 PM on April 27, 2003
*Please* enter the Inter-toto. *Please* *Please* *Please* I need something to salvage from this season - we didn't even do very well in the FA Youth Cup.
posted by BigCalm at 03:00 AM on April 28, 2003
Someone's just pointed out that if Villa lose or draw to Sunderland, and West Ham win next weekend, Villa will have to rely on Blues to beat West Ham on the last day of the season to ensure Villa's survival. It's not very likely to happen this way, but I'm rapidly becoming convinced that the way our season is going, this will end up being the case.
posted by BigCalm at 04:26 AM on April 28, 2003
West Ham is staying, so is Leeds...
posted by StarFucker at 08:15 AM on April 28, 2003
Middlesbrough, FB. It's not that hard to get right. Easier, at least, than for us to get away points this season. (I really think Steve Gibson should recompense people who've been to some of our more dire away performances this season out of his own pocket.) Anyway, two matches to go, and we're still in the running for the Fair Play League, so I'm just hoping for Man City to have a flurry of red cards...
posted by etagloh at 11:49 AM on April 28, 2003
Middlesborough (even if it's pronounced "Middlesbruh"), you drunken twats!
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:07 PM on April 28, 2003
Good god, how can they let teams into Euro competition on the basis of good behavio(u)r (or more specifically, getting fewer yellow and red cards than anyone else) alone? It's just embarrassing! Even Keegan admits as much. My word, this greed is just driving everyone insane! I've considered a posting on this topic, but I think I'll let it slosh about around here. It's just embarrassing to the teams and the sport in general.
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:11 PM on April 28, 2003
Oh my oh my, wc2002, It would have been bad to have been corrected by a yank..but you ballsed up old chap, ho chuffing ho. How did you know I was drunk? I actually like the notion of a European place for fair play, or would do if it had any effect on behaviour. Consistent thuggery or just plain gamesmanship is just irritating. Ugly snarling gits berating officials even worse. Anything that helps to reduce it is ok in my book. If places were handed out on the basis of ability alone, half the teams who enter from micky mouse leagues across the Meditteranean and Eastern Europe, wouldn't get a look in. And don't get me started on Israel, since when was that place in Europe. I think Blues should be given a place in Europe just because we had the good sense to sign Dugarry.
posted by Fat Buddha at 01:35 PM on April 28, 2003
Buddha you buffy banger! worldcup, how is it possible that you are against letting teams in for good behaviour when you dislike players for "misbehaving"?!
posted by StarFucker at 02:19 PM on April 28, 2003
StarFooker: You trolling slut, while I am all for encouraging good behavior and getting a nice pat on the back, and also against loutish lugs, this does not mean I am a raving lunatic about then giving someone more than they are due. If you're not good enough playing to win something, why should I reward you for coming in seventh in the good behavior list? Yes, Man U, Liverpool, Chelsea and more are all higher on the Fair Play rankings than Boro and Manchester City, and the irony is, it's not even the best-behaved team that's getting in, it's the best-behaved team left over after all the others (who are just better at playing, period!) have qualified through normal methods. Sure, get a nice Fair Play award, maybe a little cash, at the end of the season, hell, every month, but don't make it qualification to then go into a competition where you play for an award. Your attempt to pigeonhole me with your faulty logic is plain fookery. Try again?
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:16 PM on April 28, 2003
btw, look who's bottom of the Fair Play table? Leeds and Birmingham! Well, well, another door to Europe slams shut. Hoohoohoo.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:25 PM on April 28, 2003
Man U, Liverpool and Chelsea all at the top of the Fair Play League, well what a surprise. ;-)
posted by squealy at 03:26 PM on April 28, 2003
Hang on, Chelsea are below Boro and Man City. WTF are you talking about wc2002? Are you and SF looking at different leagues?
posted by squealy at 03:32 PM on April 28, 2003
I WOULD be able to pigeonhole you if your opinions were consistent. However, your apparent selective judgements make it impossible.
posted by StarFucker at 03:51 PM on April 28, 2003
Talking to yourself again, SF? My selective judgements trump your fantasmic leaps of logic. And squealy, I'd made my comments about Chelsea before looking at the Fair Play table. Sorry, my bad.
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:55 PM on April 28, 2003
Just because I dislike teams with hooligans does not mean I think that well-behaved teams should get automatic qualification to Europe, just based on good behavior. I don't know why that isn't clear to you, SF. How is that selective? I never said nor believed Leeds should get relegated by law for coddling brutish twats. (I just want them to lose, that's all. It just happened that I picked a team and players you like. And they do, indeed, suck.) By the same token, I don't want teams to get automatic qualification by law just because they behaved less badly than anyone else. I don't see any inconsistency in that.
posted by worldcup2002 at 07:02 PM on April 28, 2003
This is where i win the argument worldcup... worldcup: Guess who are the top two on disciplinary points? Alan Smith (#1!) and former Leeds buddy (now a Hammer) Lee Bowyer. These guys are the reason I want Leeds to go down. Found right here. Which is completely inconsistent with this: I never said nor believed Leeds should get relegated by law for coddling brutish twats. Please admit i am right and you are wrong...there is no way you can twist this in your favor now.
posted by StarFucker at 08:41 AM on April 29, 2003
Aha! But I can twist it in my favor! It is in my brilliant use of the qualifier "by law." I never denied that I want Leeds to go down. (I just said it up there: I just want them to lose.) I want teams to beat them. Absolutely, but I never said they should be automatically relegated by some strange law because they are badly behaved. However, Man City or whoever is high enough in the Fair Play table (which is based only on how many cards you get, not if you win or lose) gets to automatically qualify for Euro championship, even if they're the somewhere in the second half of the EPL, because the better teams (who win through normal means) also have better disciplinary records. All I'm saying is you've somehow equated my wanting a team to lose because they've coddled brutes, with wanting them to be automatically relegated by a law based on behavior alone. And then you've somehow connected that to mean that I should also support a team to automatically be rewarded with Euro qualification not on their game performance (win, lose or draw) but on how many yellow or red cards they can avoid getting. The problem is not my twisting the argument. The problem is you making connections where there are none. Damn, did I tell you I am a highly-paid criminal defense lawyer? And brilliant and breathtakingly good-looking? And also in possession of minty-fresh breath?
posted by worldcup2002 at 10:46 AM on April 29, 2003
worldcup... You said that you wanted Leeds to go down because they have Smith and Bowyer. You SPECIFICALLY said THAT is the reason you wanted Leeds to go down. Because they have disciplinary problems and therefore you hate the whole team and want them to be relegated...not by law as you say, but because they are criminals. So from this, one should be able to infer that you would want teams that have good little boys to be promoted or to be successful, again...not by law as you say, but because they are good little boys and you like good little boys. The point is, pay attention and read carefully now...there was never any mention of teams getting promoted on the Fair Play award! It was teams getting qualified for competitions based on Fair Play. While I agree with you here: Sure, get a nice Fair Play award, maybe a little cash, at the end of the season, hell, every month, but don't make it qualification to then go into a competition where you play for an award.... ...I am not sure why you think it is completely unreasonable for me to say that your thinking is inconsistent...i never said you were a "raving lunatic" about giving someone more than they are due, but in the case of do seem to be quite raving. Surely, even you can admit that wanting a whole team to be relegated because of 2 players and not wanting another team to get qualified for a competition because of good behaviour is a tad off kilter?
posted by StarFucker at 11:41 AM on April 29, 2003
But why do you infer that? I said I want Leeds to go down, yes, I want them to be so badly beaten they should be relegated, yes. I just never said that someone should be rewarded for good behavior. There's a Latin name for this, reductio ad absurdum. You took it there, not me. You took one instance and inferred it to the point of absurdity. I never made that claim. Yes, you can infer it. But just because it may work in the mechanics of the logic doesn't mean it is true. You claimed Leeds did so well with those louts, when O'Leary was there. I pointed out they didn't. Because, well, what do they have to show for having them? A gigantic debt and NO silverware. Nothing. Who is being selective here? I also pointed out that O'Leary claimed at least twice that Bowyer and Woodgate's bad behavior damaged their entire season. You said no, no, it was just that he was lamenting their trials. Well, how did they get involved in a trial? Was it some mercurial twist of fate? No, it was a result of their bad behavior! Who's being selective? And that you fail to see the irony of making statements to the effect of "I don't care if a player is a trouble-maker as long as he's talented" while at the same time taking my one assertion to an absolute unimplied absurd end, is the reason you will refuse to acknowledge any argument I make. And what's the point of having a talented player when they get enough yellow cards and red cards to have to sit out a match every four games? At that rate, they would be on the bench at least 25% of an EPL team's games. (And what if they also get into trouble off the pitch? Not that that's ever happened?) The team loses three times: They lose talent and they lose the continuity in a team, as well as the strategic options with that player. My point is that Leeds coasted along on illusions, on thinking they should risk all (dollars, team unity) just for "talented players." That they were "successful" (without winning anything) for just a season does not validate that gamble. You can have tough, rough players, but louts will always cost you. Finally, I decide to have a little fun at the expense of Leeds (everybody has teams they pick on) but you decide to challenge it for any reason you can pick up on. Just because I actually articulate a reason. You don't pick on any one else when they have no reason whatsoever for disliking a team ("Yorkshire twats?") but you proceed to lambaste every argument I have, even where there's proof behind it, taking every effort to require logical solidity, taking every effort to stretch one argument to absolutely absurd conclusions. Who has the personal problem here? I would much rather you just have come out early and said you identify with the players in question. I much warmed to your stories of your coaching experience and could see how you saw yourself in those players. I respect that and have no need to disabuse you of your notions. However, you seem to want to attack everyone of mine. And that is where I took offense.
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:17 PM on April 29, 2003
But I still love you, StarFooker. As long as you keep supporting Liverpool. ;-) "Don't go changing, to try to please me ..."
posted by worldcup2002 at 01:23 PM on April 29, 2003
i am not lambasting anyone...i am still having fun here with this argument... And i did not mean for you to take offense...don't be so sensitive... Also, i am not picking on you...i was just pointing out that you wanted a WHOLE team relegated for a few players...but you did not want to award a WHOLE team for good behaviour. That is the main sticking point here... Can't we just have a discussion without people getting angry?! If you want, i'll start an argument with Buddha, squealy and some others...
posted by StarFucker at 01:52 PM on April 29, 2003
I think the fact that they're "Yorkshire twats" is a pretty decent reason for wanting them to be relegated to be fair.
posted by squealy at 02:00 PM on April 29, 2003
OK, SF, you're right it is nuts. I'm nuts. But it's just as crazy to want a team to be relegated for being "Yorkshire twats". However, there's no arguing that "Yorkshire twats" is a lot more fun that saying "hooligan." So, now I want Leeds to be relegated because they're "Yorkshire twats". Let's have a pint, squealy!
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:14 PM on April 29, 2003
Oi Starfucker! Wanna scrap?
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:45 PM on April 29, 2003
Who you callin' a twat, punk?!
posted by StarFucker at 04:16 PM on April 29, 2003
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hahahahahahaha.
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:00 PM on April 29, 2003
Of course, they're Yorkshire Twats until they don the shirt. *Predicts FB will disagree*. :-)
posted by squealy at 06:01 PM on April 29, 2003
posted by worldcup2002 at 06:04 PM on April 29, 2003
Yay for Birmingham! Well done! And with Everton beating Villa 2-1, the Blues may very well finish above their fellow arch-rivals. Reds and Blues for title honors next season, rather than Arsenal or Man U, eh? Are you more elated, FB, over staying up or last season's promotion playoff heart-stopper? With Blues safe, I'm more concerned now about Arsenal's slip-up at Bolton today, and Man U v Spurs tomorrow. Is it all over if Man U wins? Go Spurs!