Miami reportedly has been contacted by the ACC about a possible move from the Big East.: Syracuse, Boston College and Virgina Tech have also been approached in what would move the ACC up a level in football/BCS. Big East football has always seemed a second class citizen even though Miami is a powerhouse. But would Big East basketball (what the conference is probably more identified with) become a watered-down product? Although it would allow the conference to collapse into one division, you lose a couple great rivalries and the have's and have not's grow farther apart...and Big East football becomes a non-factor.
Corpse's point about the basketball season is the same trouble that the big east had when it expanded. I would hate to see SU switch, and don't believe that they actually would. Not sure what BC would do, but I don't think they'd have anything to gain in basketball, where they'd get slaughtered. Let's just leave things the way they are now.
posted by Bernreuther at 03:45 PM on April 22, 2003
I think that Miami would jump, but they would be the only one.
posted by jasonbondshow at 11:16 PM on April 22, 2003
I hate hate hate the idea of ACC expansion, it would totally ruin the basketball season if we added more than one team. A split divsion would suck beyond belief, and take away the one and one at home schedule. It's absurd for you not to play every team in your conference during the basketball season. I could care less about the big east, but I would be happy if they would keep their teams.