Sumo Wrestler Gets Lifetime Ban for Gambling: Sumo's governing body has banned ozeki Kotomitsuki for life for betting tens of thousands of dollars on professional baseball games. The wrestler, whose real name is Keiji Tamiya, admitted to police that he gambled on games and paid 3 million yen ($32,900) in cash to a yakuza gangster who threatened to expose him. The problems are not isolated to him -- other wrestlers and trainers are reportedly involved and the Nagoya basho set to start July 11 may be cancelled. "One of the main middlemen is said to have been a hairdresser for the wrestlers' distinctive topknots," reports the Christian Science Monitor.
I remember a chapter of Freakonomics (I think) where they looked at data that suggested many sumo matches were fixed, especially the dead rubbers.
posted by owlhouse at 02:28 PM on July 07, 2010
To bad for a great sport that I can watch on satellite. Unfortunately NKTV NKTV will not televise the Nagayo basho.