Tracing footballs tribal roots: is a good article, which might be of interest to aficionados of the beautiful game.
Should there be a daily world cup huddle where stuff like this can get posted?
posted by Fat Buddha to soccer at 02:48 PM - 4 comments
Take over the huddle! FOOTBALL!
posted by scully at 09:10 PM on June 09, 2010
Should there be a daily world cup huddle where stuff like this can get posted?
Of course. The current huddle is frighteningly unmanagable.
posted by mjkredliner at 10:28 PM on June 09, 2010
Should there be a daily world cup huddle where stuff like this can get posted?
Nah. Even if we go World Cup crazy, and I hope we do, there's not a lot of other big stuff going on right now that it would push aside.
posted by rcade at 10:19 AM on June 10, 2010
I'm not sure what the author is trying to say - he goes through a spectrum from "Football inspires crude nationalism" to "Football can bring different people together" and ends up with "Well, it doesn't really matter much these days anyway."
Smacks of weekly column filler, and I support the readers who have commented that he couldn't possibly have gone to the last event in Germany. Although he gets some points for not referencing George Orwell.
I'm not sure we need a separate huddle for the World Cup - should we just use the current one?