The World Series Won by a Swastika: John Rocker was pretty bad. And their name/uniform/tomahawk chop is considered offensive by some. But before Hank Aaron, or even Babe Ruth hit his 714th home run with the Braves, there was the miracle team of 1914. Their secret? A lucky (not-at-all-racist) swastika (via MetaFilter).
Since the Nazi party wasn't founded until 1919, and the swastika was not associated with it until 1920, it clearly had nothing to do with them. But the swastika does have a 3,000-year history, which is now forever tainted by Nazi Germany.
posted by TheQatarian at 01:19 PM on April 08, 2010
There's a swastika inlaid in brick in a building about 2 miles from my house (London, Ontario).
The structure is from the early 1900's .
posted by tommybiden at 01:47 PM on April 08, 2010
You will frequently see the swastika carved into Hindu and Buddhist shrines throughout Asia.
In Bali, Indonesia, you can stay at the Swastika Bungalows in Sanur Beach. Lovely place, friendly staff, and cheap because they really haven't worked out an effective marketing strategy.
posted by owlhouse at 02:28 AM on April 09, 2010
intersting post. I had no idea that the swastika was once considered a good luck symbol.