The Grand National: is tomorrow! Over 65,000 people are expected to attend, and millions will watch worldwide. The biggest horse race in the English calendar, and possibly the world. Forty horses in all run, making it a nightmare for commentators. So who's your money on in the 156th National?
Oh dear, I am going to show myself as a completely humourless berk, I fear. The Grand National is extremely cruel and I am surprised a cat lover would have anything to with it. The meeting lasts 4 days and deaths are inevitable. Usually only about 6 horses finish the actual race, I hate it. Plus it gives scouse gits an opportunity to demonstrate their gittishness. It's the chuffing boat race too, an event that doesn't get interesting even when a boatful of assorted yanks and hooray henry's manage to sink themselves. My advice is back the rabbit.
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:53 PM on April 04, 2003
cats? rabbits? what the feck? is this a greyhound race? Hey, can I put my money on Heskey? Horsfield? Hahahaha.
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:46 PM on April 04, 2003
Yes FB, you are a humourless berk of the worst type - one who has the moral argument fully on their side. I must admit I did think twice about being "involved" in the whole thing. Two takes on the Grand National for those unaware of the controversial nature of the spectacle.
posted by squealy at 05:17 AM on April 05, 2003
14 finishers, I suppose we should be be pleased that so many got around, leaving only 26 who failed to finish.
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:50 PM on April 05, 2003
I'm not really a betting man. But I have Goguenard in the office sweepstake. He'll probably plummet at the first like he did last time. So there's 50p down the pan.