SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle:
A place to discuss the sports stories that aren't making news, share links that aren't quite front-page material, and diagram plays on your hand. Remember to count to five Mississippi before commenting in anger.
Aroldis Chapman hits 100 mph, strikes out three in Reds debut
posted by BornIcon at 03:28 PM on March 09, 2010
If you get the opportunity to see Samir Nasri's goal for Arsenal against Porto tonight, you should do so.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 04:37 PM on March 09, 2010
Not sure how long it will stay up but here's the goal.
posted by tselson at 08:03 PM on March 09, 2010
If you get the opportunity to see Samir Nasri's goal for Arsenal against Porto tonight, you should do so.
That was some goal. Now all we need is Abraham Zapruder footage to breakdown in slow motion and we'll figure out how it all happened.
What? It's a trend.
posted by Spitztengle at 08:42 PM on March 09, 2010
Ok, that Nasri goal was worth having to go find after youtube pulled it. Did Porto think he was obligated to pass because he plays for Wegner?
posted by yerfatma at 08:51 AM on March 10, 2010
How to and not to leave a team in the NFL.
You stay Classy Cleveland
posted by Debo270 at 12:58 PM on March 10, 2010
Did Porto think he was obligated to pass because he plays for Wegner?
Great goal, but the Porto defence was phoning it in - Arshavin was all over them, too, beating two and three defenders at will.
posted by owlhouse at 03:31 PM on March 10, 2010
TO and McNabb to team up again. When I saw the article said it was going to involve a court, I was waiting to see that Judge Judy was somehow involved.