Problems with Yahoo?: Avast goes nuts fairly frequently when I try to access our fantasy hockey page, saying the page is infected with some type of malware. I know this isn't Yahoo support, just wondering if anyone else here is having the same problem. I've tried to see if there was a notice or something on Yahoo about it, but when I get this warning, Avast won't let me view whatever page I was trying to access...
I don't know, didn't happen to me.
I just wanted to say, go Rene Bourque tonight - hat trick with a short handed goal, powerplay goal, and gamewinning goal.
I hate the Flames but with his help I WILL CRUSH SPOFIPUCKATHONV.
(Or I will trade him for a goalie)
posted by rumple at 01:41 AM on December 29, 2009
My Avast started freaking out a couple of days ago whenever Yahoo ads tried to serve anything on any site. I updated the Avast engine a day later and the issues went away.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 01:29 PM on December 30, 2009
Thanks for the replies. I also updated Avast, and the error went away on my end, as well. Must have been a bad earlier update...
posted by MeatSaber at 03:35 PM on December 31, 2009
It's probably related to an ad or a cookie from the ad machine, that's my best guess anyways.