Playoffs?: The approaching bowl season wouldn't be complete without the discussion of why college football should have a playoff.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia to football at 06:51 PM - 11 comments
boredom, I agree completely. Staging a rematch of TCU and Boise State is a cop out. We keep hearing how both of those programs never play any of the big dogs. Here was a perfect chance to see how they do stack up against bigger programs.
A four team playoff would be so superior to what we have now, and only cause two teams to play more games. Not that I really think that the added games is what keeps us from getting a playoff system.
I just don't get it...a playoff system would be real meaning to more of the bowls so you'd think there would be more interest, thus more advertizing revenue. Having TCU inmy backyard, I'll probably watch the game, but I think more would watch if they knew the winner would be moving on in the playoffs.
posted by dviking at 08:05 PM on December 07, 2009
It's all about the massive amounts of money that schools earn with the present BCS system. With the basketball tournament in March, the NCAA gets all the money, but the schools get all the money with football's bowl system. Shitty economy or boom times, the Ohio States and Alabamas are not going to pass up on the big money. Besides, one of my favorite sports-arguments takes place every March: why is that shitty school in the tournament, but not my super-awesome school? This system is rigged.
posted by NoMich at 08:44 PM on December 07, 2009
I feel that in order for the system to be changed there would have to be undefeated seasons from the likes of Florida, Ohio State, USC, and Texas. The BCS has proven that it can exclude one undefeated high-profile team but what happens when two would have to be excluded?
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:51 PM on December 07, 2009
Actually, I think this year even exposes a problem with the "plus-one" format, because even if you had that, you'd have an undefeated team getting left out, probably Boise State.
My problem with college football in general is that there are teams that start the season with absolutely zero chance of being national champions no matter how well they do. Boise State has been there for some time now, no matter how many undefeated seasons they have. TCU and Cincinnati are running into that same glass ceiling this year, just as Utah did last year.
I prefer the more radical solution of a 16-team bracket which includes every conference champion -- including conferences like C-USA, MAC, and Sun Belt -- and enough at-large teams to fill it out. That way, every school starts the season with a chance to be NCAA champion, just like in basketball.
posted by TheQatarian at 09:03 PM on December 07, 2009
This year is a good example of why a play off system needs to be installed. Of course it never will because of the money these powerful conferences recieve from the current system. Had the teams from the powerful conferences all had one loss you still would not have seen TCU, CINCI or Boise state have an opportunity to play for the title. It would have come down to 2 one loss teams from the other conferences.
posted by twgibsr at 09:42 PM on December 07, 2009
The argument about the extra games is Bull. The Basketball season is longer than Football. And they have a playoff system.
posted by twgibsr at 09:43 PM on December 07, 2009
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for an expanded playoff system. When I mentioned a 4 team playoff that was just the minimum that I'd like to see.
I get that the colleges make major money off of the bowl games, but I think the playoff games would draw better than the current bowls and would make more money in the long run.
posted by dviking at 10:27 PM on December 07, 2009
I feel that in order for the system to be changed there would have to be undefeated seasons from the likes of Florida, Ohio State, USC, and Texas.
Auburn. 2004.
posted by jmd82 at 11:25 PM on December 07, 2009
I feel that in order for the system to be changed there would have to be undefeated seasons from the likes of Florida, Ohio State, USC, and Texas. The BCS has proven that it can exclude one undefeated high-profile team but what happens when two would have to be excluded?
Auburn. 2004.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 12:04 AM on December 08, 2009
The argument about the extra games is Bull. The Basketball season is longer than Football. And they have a playoff system.
However there is a greater risk of injury on every play from scrimmage in football than from running a play in basketball. I do believe an 8 team playoff would work and if you are undefeated you're in no matter where your conference is ranked.
posted by gfinsf at 07:47 AM on December 08, 2009
Completely unrelated, but the title of the thread necessitates this happening.
Also, I'd really like to see TCU and Boise State play someone other than, y'know, each other, which a playoff system would let happen.