Boxer Calls Opponent 'the Ugliest Person I Have Ever Seen': The pre-match photo of World Boxing Association champion Nikolai Valuev and challenger David Haye shows the enormous task ahead of Haye, who is 11 inches shorter and 103 pounds lighter than the 7-foot-tall, 320-pound Russian. But Haye has a bigger mouth. "He is the ugliest person I have ever seen!" Haye told Bild. "I have seen the Lord of the Rings films and there are some characters in those movies who look quite strange. But for a human being to look like him is really shocking." They fight Nov. 7.
I hope David has his affairs in order, as he's leaving the ring in a body bag. Dear god!
posted by Drood at 10:07 PM on September 26, 2009
It that fight is in HD - I'd think twice about getting it. Especially if you have kids in the house.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:22 PM on September 26, 2009
'Tis true -- the kids will be scarred for life.
posted by jjzucal at 11:18 PM on September 26, 2009
You know, if I was fronting a guy that much bigger than me, I think I'd be a little more circumspect.
posted by rodgerd at 09:18 PM on September 27, 2009
At least Andre the Giant had hair. This guy would have fit into the original James Bond movies.