Texas Rangers Player Buys Supplements from BALCO Founder: Marlon Byrd, an outfielder for the Texas Rangers, is a client of Scientific Nutrition for Advanced Conditioning, the company set up by Victor Conte after the demise of BALCO. "I tried everything over the counter," said Byrd, who buys Proglycosyn ("the ultimate post-workout recovery formula"), Physiobalm ("muscle and joint rejuvenator"), Aerobitine ("the ultimate anti-fatigue/fat loss formula"), Vitalyze ("the mental and physical performance enhancer"), ZMA ("rapid anabolic sleep enhancer") and Expandinutz ("the testicle reinflator"). He's photographed with Bonds and others on the company's customer gallery. (Only kidding about Expandinutz. There is no such product. Do not attempt to order.)
Isn't the Bonds picture seriously PRE "nutritional supplement"?
posted by Drood at 05:26 PM on June 26, 2009
Byrd was with the Nationals for a while. The guy who got popped with guns and drugs said he supplied the Caps and the Nats...hmmm?
posted by Landis at 11:22 AM on June 27, 2009
"Expandinuts"... best laugh I've had in a long time...thanks.
Great customer gallery, nice to see Marion Jones on the list. All professional athlete's in the gallery are officially on the "suspect" list.