A-Rod Loves Him Some A-Rod: In a Details Magazine interview and photo shoot that took place the day before the steroid story broke, Alex Rodriguez's biggest worry was that naming his favorite Madonna song would cause it to be played at every road game. "Those close to Rodriguez claim that if you could only see him away from the cameras and microphones you'd find an oddly normal man," Jason Gay writes, an assessment that's at odds with the photos of A-Rod and a mirror.
That article made me wish he would embrace his inner asshole. Just be a dick. That would be preferable to fake earnestness.
Right, that worked great for Barry Bonds.
posted by graymatters at 04:31 PM on March 17, 2009
Right, that worked great for Barry Bonds.
The difference between A-Rod and Bonds is that Bonds just did not care. He didn't go out of his way to please the fans, the media, his teammates and not even the organization(s) that he played for. He was a dick to anyone & to everyone but at least I can respect that from him since he was a consistant dick that played hard day in & day out...even if he played for only himself.
posted by BornIcon at 02:18 PM on March 18, 2009
By the way, "Ewww" Looks like A-Rod is starring in a low budget porn film.
posted by BornIcon at 03:09 PM on March 18, 2009
My favorite lines: Because what exactly does everyone expecta detailed, revealing confession from a person who's never shown himself to be the least bit detailed or revealing?
"He's not a cuddly guy, and contrary to all that nonsense about spin doctors, you can't put in what God left out."
That article made me wish he would embrace his inner asshole. Just be a dick. That would be preferable to fake earnestness.