Q. and A.: The Special One, José Mourinho: The Inter manager sat down recently with the NY Times for "his first one-on-one interview with an American news outlet." Not bad and Jose comes off well (IMO), especially in his good humor about the hilarious long-running parody Special1TV.
posted by billsaysthis to soccer at 04:54 PM - 5 comments
His confidence, while it may irk some fans, fits what's he's accomplished. He's talked the talk and walked the walk -- except yesterday against Man U. Then again, not too many players have scored on Edwin Van der Saar this season.
posted by jjzucal at 06:10 AM on March 12, 2009
Very interesting interview. I can profess my admiration for him much more easily now that he's not in English football.
posted by trox at 10:53 AM on March 12, 2009
If you guys haven't watched the Special1TV I highly recommend you go back and see all the clips (which are never more than five minutes or so). Freaking hilarious, with the Rooney and Sven sidekicks and frequent call-in guests Sir Alex, Rafa and the Voyeur. Plus Dave from Newcastle with the Sheola Ameobi obsession.
Be champions!
posted by billsaysthis at 11:41 AM on March 12, 2009
I can profess my admiration for him much more easily now that he's not in English football.
Hmm, is that what it takes? Since day one of him stepping foot in Italy, I've found him to be a boorish prick. Maybe I'll be able to appreciate his specialness after he leaves Italy. :D
posted by romakimmy at 02:01 PM on March 13, 2009
bill -- thanks for posting that; I enjoyed it quite a bit. I agree that he comes off well, and I always enjoy seeing foreign athletes'/coaches' perspectives on American sports.