In the Buff: A worldwide event that is underway gives motorists multiple reasons to stop and think about the impact of pollution caused by burning fuel. You may have questions, if so, here are some answers.
I can't think of anything witty to say, but I do have some concern for the riders. I see they are riding in South Africa and Australia, and both of these countries are noted for the intensity of their sunshine. I certainly hope those riders who are fair-skinned use a lot of sunscreen to avoid sunburn and its long-term effect, skin cancers.
If I were to ride I'd be thrown out for causing excessive eye pollution.
posted by Howard_T at 05:35 PM on March 08, 2009
I certainly hope those riders who are fair-skinned use a lot of sunscreen to avoid sunburn and its long-term effect, skin cancers.
I believe that diving into a wading pool full of 15 plus sunblock will do the trick.
I call it an 'undercoat'.
posted by owlhouse at 01:14 AM on March 09, 2009
dviking, I could have gone quite blissfully on my way without having seen that....
posted by outonleave at 06:00 PM on March 09, 2009
Maybe you want to participate? Here is a list of events for the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Body paint is optional.